Below are the detailed steps to create and deploy a basic cloud template:
Create a Cloud Template
Specify an Image in Your Cloud Template
Specify a Flavor in Your Cloud Template
Add a Network to Your Cloud Template
Specify a Static IP Address for Your Virtual Machine
Examine Your Deployment
Create a Cloud Template:
You create a basic cloud template.
Login to your vRA portal https://vra.fqdn.local/
Type in the USERNAME and PASSWORDs
Click Cloud Assembly
Click the Design tab
Click Cloud Templates
Click Blank canvas
Enter Basic in the Name text box
Enter Basic cloud template in the Description text box
Select Project from the Project search box
Select Allow an administrator to share with any project in this organization
In the left components pane, select a Cloud Agnostic --> Machine and drag it to the design canvas pane
An error is reported in the design canvas and in the configuration pane because the cloud template requires further configuration.
Specify an Image in Your Cloud Template:
You specify an image mapping in your cloud template. This image mapping points to a vSphere template cloned to create the vSphere machine.
Select the component labeled Cloud_Machine_1 in the design canvas
Click the Properties tab
Select Ubuntu from the Image drop-down menu
Specify a Flavor in Your Cloud Template:
You specify a flavor mapping for your machine. Flavor mappings enable vRA to deploy machines that are standard sizes.
Verify that vRA has assigned the machine one CPU and 1 GB of memory by default
Click the Code tab
Click the Properties tab
Select the Cloud_Machine_1 component in the design canvas
Select Ubuntu-small from the Flavor drop-down menu
Add a Network to Your Cloud Template:
You add a vSphere network component to your cloud template.
In the components pane, select Cloud Agnostic --> Network and drag it to the design canvas under Cloud_Machine_1
Point to Cloud_Machine_1 (Cloud.Machine) in the design canvas. A small circle appears on the left edge of the rectangular icon
Click the circle and drag the line that appears to Cloud_Network_1 (Cloud.Network)
The new line in the design canvas indicates that the machine is connected to the network
Click the Code tab
Verify that the machine section of the YAML code contains a reference to the network to which the machine is connected
Select the Cloud_Network_1 component in the design canvas
Click the Properties tab
Enter VM-DPortGroup in the Network Name text box
Click the Code tab
Verify that the YAML code appears
Specify a Static IP Address for Your Virtual Machine:
You specify a static IP address for your virtual machine to use on the network. This static IP address must be an unused address in the defined range of static IP addresses on the network profile.
Select the component labeled Cloud_Machine_1 in the design canvas
Click the Properties tab
Select the check box for the first NIC
Click the pencil icon to edit the NIC settings
Select static from the Assignment drop-down menu
Click the Code tab
Verify that the YAML code appears
Deploy Your Cloud Template:
You deploy your cloud template to test it.
Enter Test-1 in the Deployment Name text box
Select Current Draft from the Search for version drop-down menu
Your screen switches to the Deployments tab.
Monitor the progress of your deployment
Explore the Topology and History tabs as your deployment progresses
Your deployment takes about 10 minutes to finish. When it is finished, a Create Successful message appears at the top of the pane.
Click CLOSE when the deployment finishes
Examine Your Deployment:
You can examine your deployment to verify that the virtual machine deployed correctly.
Login to the vCenter using the URL https://vcsa.fqdn.local
Go to the VMs and Templates view
Verify that vra8-000318 exists