Recently experienced an issue where the local user (configadmin) got locked due to incorrect passwords and we need to perform a password reset.
We can't perform a password reset of the configadmin user from Horizon as it was created by LCM
SMTP wasn't available on VIDM to get the password reset link.
Note: Configadmin user has these 2 roles (Readonly Admin and Super Admin) in vIDM and the user is created in LCM with the Default Configuration Admin role.
The purpose to create this article is to reset the password for configadmin created by LCM during the deployment of VRA 8.
Post further research I found the below procedure, using which was able to reset the password post which I was able to login to the vRA with the configadmin user.
First, we need to retrieve the Value for HZN to do this we can follow the below steps:
Open any browser Chrome/Mozilla and authenticate with the local admin (admin) user/account to the Workspace ONE tenant
Note: Make sure you have the option to view the Administrator console
Open INSPECT mode in the browser by right-clicking on the page and selecting INSPECT from the context menu
Select APPLICATION from the inspection window
Select your Workspace ONE / VMware Identity Manager portal under cookies
Find HZN under the name column and copy the value data to your clipboard
Note: I used the POSTMAN tool to execute the APIs, and use the below parameters to issue the API
Step -1: Retrieve the ID of the user from the DB
POST https://[vidm-fqdn]/SAAS/jersey/manager/api/scim/Users/.search/
Paste the token copied above from the inspect window
Key Value
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Select RAW and add the below details:
NOTE: Here the username will be the user whose password needs to be reset
"filter" : "userName eq \"configadmin\" and domain eq \"System Domain\""
Step -2:With the user ID retrieved above/from the previous API now run the PATCH API to update the password for the user:
PATCH https://[vidm-fqdn]/SAAS/jersey/manager/api/scim/Users/248ffe02-9485-4584-bc41-f06d926db194
Paste the token copied above from Step -1 from the inspect window
Key Value
Accept application/json
Select RAW and add the below details:
NOTE: You need to type the new password which you wish to set for the configadmin
{ "password": "Password@123" }